The landscape varies from endless sunbaked horizons to dense tropical rainforest to chilly southern beaches.
The landscape varies from endless sunbaked horizons to dense tropical rainforest to chilly southern beaches.
The rainforest is being systematically destroyed.
Here in the rainforest, the giant ohia lehua trees and hapuu ferns provide protective canopy to an amazingly diverse collection of plants and animals.
在这片雨林中,高大的ohia lehua树和那叫hapuu的物给丰富得令人惊奇的动物撑起了一把保护伞。
Under Mobutu Sese Seko's negligent and plunderous rule, much of the Belgian-built road system was buried under rainforest or destroyed by heavy lorries and lack of maintenance.
Sign up for the herbal supplements course prepared by certified homeopath, Cathleen Springer.You'll learn how you can use Amazon botanicals to improve health, promote sleep and save the rainforest!